Abstract: Wireless networking is an emerging technology that will allow users to access information and services regardless of their geographic position. In contrast to infrastructure based networks, in wireless ad hoc networks, all nodes are mobile and can be connected dynamically in an arbitrary manner. All nodes of these networks behave as routers and take part in discovery and maintenance of routes to other nodes in the network. This feature presents a great challenge to the design of a routing scheme since link bandwidth is very limited and the network topology changes as users roam. This thesis investigates the behavior of existing traditional routing algorithms and proposes and implements a new routing approach for ad hoc wireless networks: IRTIV: Intelligent Routing protocol using real time Traf?c Routing. IRTIV: Intelligent Routing protocol using real time Traf?c Routing is similar to Link State routing, but uses a IRTIV: Intelligent Routing protocol using real time Traf?c technique to reduce the consumption of bandwidth by control overhead.

Keywords: DSRC, IRTIV MAC, Routing, Security, RSU, Vehicular communications, WAVE.